Monday, May 12, 2008

Tuesday Night Trivia Lives!

As many of you know, the Baggot Inn, former home of Tuesday Night Trivia, has closed its doors.

Luckily, though, we've got a new place to keep playing, just around the corner.

We'll start there this coming Tuesday, May 13. Same 7:30 start time, same fun format and a rotating (and hopefully growing) roster of hosts.

The new spot is:

The Grisly Pear
107 Macdougal (between W. 3rd and Bleecker)

The Grisly Pear will have lots of drink specials for players, plus a full kitchen serving dinner and snacks (so please no takeout from outside).

We hope all you regulars from the Baggot Inn will follow us around the corner, and we hope to see lots of new faces too!

If you'd like more details, or you want to get on our mailing list, please hit us up at

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